Thursday, 10 December 2009
A Christmas Story for people having a bad day:

Saturday, 10 October 2009
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Week 3 and a last minute heartbreak
That man Brett Favre just keeps coming back to haunt us. With seconds left he just throws a hit and hope into the end zone where it is caught in a last gasp win for the Vikings. I can't see what's the big deal with the Vikings, do they see Favre as the last piece in their Superbowl jigsaw. They don't seem to be as strong as the Giants and I'm sure as the season progresses the Favre determination to get back to the show will see him trying to force the game and start throwing his customary interceptions. This was a tough one to see but we're in good shape.
At last we've singed our #1 Draft pick
Michael Crabtree was the first round wide receiver that noboy thought would be on the board by the time the 49ers would take their first round pick. But there he was, and we took him. I hope that he's worth it because his hold out until after the Week 4 demolition of the St Louis Rams. So he'll have to learn the play book pretty quick and catch some footballs. Time will tell. No pressure there then.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
I've reached my half century

The day began, as usual, with the alarm ringing at 6.05 a.m and my customary trip down stairs to make the morning coffee. When I made it to school, the staff and parents had put some of my facebook profile pictures on the windows and loads of Happy Birthday banners strewnn around the place.
The atmosphere in the plac was electric an everyone was wishing me many happy returns of the day.
I m now eligable to go to the local Day Centre for lunch, and because I've got all my teeth I can have solids. I'm also still aiting for my free Parker pen from Sir Michael Parkinson so that my premium can look after my loved ones and cover any funeral expenses.
I've been receiving e-mails from SAGA about their cruises and holidays, so life is good for someone who's just held his bat aloft and signaled to the crowd in recognition of reaching 50 not out.
NFL Week 2
Week 2 and another divisional matchup that pits Mike Singletary's 49ers against former 49 assistant Jim Mora Jr. now Head Coach of the Seattle Seahawks. Could the 49ers stay undefeated?
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
NFL 2009 Week 1
It's the start of the American Football season and for once I am rather upbeat about my team – the San Francisco 49ers’ - chances of approaching mediocrity after a dismal few years posting losing seasons. With a new head coach, former Chicago Bear Superbowl winner Mike Singletary, and some off season acquisitions, things are looking up.
So the opener was a trip to Superbowl LXIII runners up and last year’s NFC West Divisional Champions the Arizona Cardinals. Check out the video to see what happened.
Monday, 5 October 2009
I dare you to do this to your loved one
Mrs CJ takes an age to get ready to go out. There is a ritual that has to be gone through before she comes down the stairs in regal manner to face her public. Can you imagine what would happen if I played such a practical joke on her. Watch and enjoy - light the blue touchpaper and retire.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
You may have noticed, I've found my login data
Tom Cats give the male of the species a bad name
This cat has such a low forehead that he'd proberbly even not make the Clay Class.
But he'll probably get a level in the OSAM's for problem solving.
Ex Stoats on the Eisteddfod Stage
My old friend Raymond Pye and his wife, Elaine, caught on video singing with Cor Y Mochyn Du at this year's National Eisteddfod. There's also a shot of T.C Jones and Jenny Owen all looking fantastic and still singing. Bravo ex-Stoats
Saturday, 21 March 2009
We let it slip out of our hands

So what is my assessment. The Irish play a very limited game, the pack seem to thrive on slow ball and don't mind taking the ball millimetres from one phase to another and then flop over with the ball just touching the line courtesy of the TMO.

Friday, 20 March 2009
New Software

Saturday, 14 March 2009
The same old story

Anyway, back to the game. Wales should have, and I'm not going to blame the coaches because the team was announced very early and in addition Gatland was bold enough to broadcast that there would be wholesale changes after the Friday night in Paris. Should we expect that this team should have been good enough to beat Italy by more? My answer is YES. Today, we expect our international players to take their chances. They've been part of the squad system for a couple of years now with this management team. In addition, our regions are doing well enough in the Magners League, Heineken Cup and the EDF. So why did the likes of John Yapp, Huw Bennett, Dafydd Jones, Rhys Thomas, Mark Jones and Charteris (to an extent) stuff up against an Italian side that had not performed at all in it's previous games? Well, part of it is the expectation. Gatland and Edwards are right to demand that their game plan is implemented. The main men need to have understudies in case of injury and the tough latter stages of a World Cup or grueling tour in the Southern Hemisphere. Secondly, we've always been seen as a big rugby country and everybody feels as if they can knock us off our perch. As Six Nations and Grand Slam Champions we're there to be shot at. So where do we go from here?
We need a strong team and a strong bench to face the Irish. I would go for -
15. Lee Byrne 14. Lee Halfpenny 13. Tom Shanklin 12. Jamie Roberts 11. Shane Williams 10. Stephen Jones 9. Mike Philips 1. Adam Jones 2. Matthew Rees 3. Gethin Jenkins 4. Ian Gough 5. Alun Wyn Jones 6. Jonathan Thomas 7. Martyn Williams 8. Ryan Jones (capt) with Gavin Henson, James Hook, Wayne Fury, Rhys Thomas, Huw Bennett, Charteris or Dafydd Jones and Andy Powell on the Bench.
Can we beat the Irish with this team. YES. Will we manage to claw back the points difference to win the championship. No. But we could have made our job far easier. Firstly - we have conceded too many needless penalties and tries in relation to last year. Secondly, and more importantly - we have failed to convert our try opportunities against all our opponents to date. I can think of at least three try scoring opportunities against Scotland where we could have made the margin of victory more convincing, likewise, we should have put another twenty points on poor English team and Henson should have given the pass in the last minutes for try in the corner which could have been the biggest upset in years. In addition, today, Hook had an opportunity to feed Henson in the first half and the introduction of the subs should have been made ten minutes earlier. So let's see what Warren will do and how we as a nation react to his selection and how we handle next week's game against the Irish. If they are able to play in the manner they did in the second half against the Jock's we may see us loose confidence, the crowd at the Mill Stad get up themselves and a Grand Slam could be theirs.
In addition some Lion's places and reputations are at stake - Ryan Jones in particular.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Have I dreamt this? Are Wales Rugby World Cup Champions?
I've just come back from taking Mrs CJ down to the gym at the Jail of Glamorgan
Hotel and have seen a strange sight. There's a big bus blocking the enterance
and no one can get around it because there are some thirty or so fans
(presumably the WRU anorak club) welcoming back Wales the World Champions? (well seven of them to be precise)
Where was the live TV coverage?
Well I've got Sky. A quick look at te schedules shows no evidence of there being anything on there. Where then? A quick look on t'internet gave me the answer. Rugby World Cup Sevens 2009. com on demand. A subscription service. Pay per view in drag. But where was the publicity? The tournament took place in Dubai. I could understand if it was held in Hong Kong, but Dubai? No wonder there was no news. Now also being fair, I can also understand that the BBC didn't want to send people like Rick O'Shea, Charlo or even my old mate Phill Steele out to a dry country as in the past Welsh 7 a side teams have gone out very early and end up in a competition called The Plate or The Bowl or The Bucket or The Ashtray or something. Further research tells me that coverage of this tournament was on the dreaded Setanta Sports channel. Poor man's Sky. I've not subscribed to this channel because there's so much dross on it Dutch Soccer, Irish Sports, everything that Sky or BBC, ITV and the rest don't want. So am I disappointed that I wasn't able to witness this triumph by our nation's best exponents of the 7 a side game?

For the record, Wales were runners up in Group F behind eventual finalists Argentina. In the Quarter Finals a shock 15-14 win against No 1 seeds New Zealand opened up the competition. Defeat of another 7's specialists Samoa in the semis set up a revenge match in the final against Argentina and then we were world champs. Scores by Richie Pugh and Tal Selly (who was named player of the tournament - and thus should be thought of as the best Sevens player in the world!!!) set up a tense finish to the game but with a minute remaining Aled Thomas, complete with Shane Williams dive, went over under the posts and the rest as they say is history. So the question I ask myself, is this the dawn of Rugby World dominance for the men in red? The squad of Rhodri McAtee, Lee Williams, Tom Isaacs, Craig Hill, James Merriman, Tal Selley, Aled Brew, Aled Thomas, Rhys Webb, Richie Pugh, Dafydd Hewitt, Lee Beach will now be accorded God status and when we go to the next tournament will probably find it difficult to qualify for the ashtray. I've just seen the opening titles of this week's Scrum V and YES IT's TRUE. The sight of Paul John, Coach to the Welsh team looking very much a martin O'Neil lookalike holding the trophy confirms this. That's life in Welsh Rugby. But for the moment I can hear the call WALES, WALES, WALES, WALES above that old Queen song "We are the Champion of Sevens, and we'll keep on fighting to the end, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, OF SEVENS"
Following in Dr Foster's footsteps

You can read my thoughts on my return to listen to a live Choral Evensong for the first time since 1980 (Although I did return to record a televised performance of Verdi's Quatro Pezzi Sacrae for the BBC conducted by Sir Andrew Davis a few years later) and my assessment of their DOM on my other blog site.
You can also see some photographs I took in the gloom on my picasa site. Although it is one of the more photogenic cathedrals the interior was very dark and I feel a return journey in the summer will allow some more productive shots of the beautiful interior.
So someone has been stupid enough to sign TO

Dick Juron and the remainder of the Bills organisation may very well see this as a shit or bust move. Juron's position as head coach of the Bills was rumoured to be on the line after last year's season. So is this a move that will see the Bills return to the former glories that they achieved under Marv Leavey when they were runners up in three consecutive Superbowls in the 90's. Time will tell.
My verdict - TO will get more and more frustrated and may very well be cleared out in the wake of Dick Juron's sacking some time mid season as the Bills are bottom of the AFC East after deafeats by all division rivals and some defeats against teams they should have beaten.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Dydd Gwyl Dewi

How do we celebrate this? There's, of course, the annual rant to make St David's Day a public holiday. (Which is having the same effect as the minority English lobby to recognise St George's Day as a public holiday on ... whenever it is)
We have a concert or even an Eisteddfod where due to the stereotypical nature of our country, the Welsh maffia seem to think that we all sit at home writing poetry, learning to recite a poem in unison or sing one melody while the accompanying instrument plays another.
I am very glad to say that despite my upbringing, being herded around schools, listening to endless partion cerdd dant, cyd addrodd and cyflwyniad dramatig I have still not been swayed that this is what we should be telling the whole world that we’re good at.
I think that every year a nation should have an opportunity to collectively celebrate it’s own identity. Take a look at our close Celtic friends the Irish. Later on this month, we'll all know about the St. Patrick's Day celebrations all over the world. It's rather scary that the pubs of Cardiff are already publicising special events where there's no equivalent for our Patron's saint's day.
I am very pleased to see that so many ex-pats, who are doing vital ambassadorial and missionary work in the countries around the world, seem to be able to express their Welshness in the same way that the Irish and other countries. Every year, Dr. George Guest would be invited to broadcast a Choral Evensong on Radio 3 which included a Welsh introit and anthem. Welsh Societies hold dinners and ask Welsh performers who have made an impact in the professional world to sing what they’re good at, and not what seen as “eisteddfodol”.
My cousin, Gwes, who lives in the “good old US of A” is typically understated in his celebration – “One proud Welshman, in a foreign land.” Bravo Gwes.

Saturday, 28 February 2009
So we lost ..... nothing's changed

Monday, 23 February 2009
France v Wales 27th February 2009

The Henson debate will run on, but I think that at present he'd be more of an option coming off the bench with 20 minutes to go and use his big boot to keep the exciting French back three pinned in their own 22 and as far away from our line as possible. Mark Jones has unfortunately lost that instant pace that he once had after all those horrific knee injuries, Sackey beat him over 20 metres with a few start. I am a bit disappointed that they haven't included Jonathan Thomas on the bench as his dynamic running and line out work could be vital in the last quarter and with Charteris the only option to replace Gough or Alun Wyn it may be a bit of a worry if the game goes down to the wire. I have never really been a Dafydd Jones fan. Against a big back row he isn't that effective. The French will have Thierry Dusautoir (Toulouse), Imanol Harinordoquy (Biarritz), Fulgence Ouedraogo (Montpellier) in the back row and Martin Williams, Ryan Jones and Andy Powell should match them. I changes are to be made I'd think that with Ryan swapping to 8 if Andy Powell is ineffective I'd rather have Jonathan Thomas coming off the bench than Dafydd Jones. Elsewhere I don't see the French being able to match us. they have drafted in Mathieu Bastareaud (Stade Francais) at centre and the veteran Sylvain Marconnet (Stade Francais) in at prop and the remainder of the team will be made up from players from what I'd call the French Top 14's middle ranked teams. I still am confident that we have a more coherent game plan that can stifle any French flair that may emerge from them if you turn up to play. It'll be odd settling down on a Friday night to watch a Six nations game. How will Mrs CJ take it? Who knows?
My prediction - Gatland and Edwards will have worked out a plan to stop the French playing. Wales to win by ten points
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Find me on facebook

A spud ricer is a must to make great mash

A great half term, but now back to the day job

Arundel - Castle, Catholic Cathedral and class

Portsmouth Cathedral

Saturday, 21 February 2009
Loch Fyne Restaurant in Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth

Set in one of the historic buildings along the canal in this development, this is a pleasant dining experiece. The Loch Fyne menu is as ever, standard, but none the less enjoyable. Head chief Ben Sylvester operates a kitchen which is efficient and the food arrived at an adequate time where we were able to enjoy a conversation about the day's battle with the outlets.
We were greeted by Alex Barnes, the manager who showed us to out table. We ordered drinks - Mrs CJ had a large bottle of Aspall Cider and I had a chose a glass of Château Les Arromans, Bordeaux – 2006/7 from the Wine list because again I had my car keys in my pocket. This wine is a smooth claret which complements the meat dishes on the menu and is reasonably priced at £15 a bottle and £4 a glass.
We both ordered the Classic smoked organic salmon as a starter. This was a revalation. I've often been reminded of the so called "colour chart" that some farmed salmon producers churn out. So the organic smoked salmon was neither orange or tasted as strong as other so called organic smoked salmon which we purchase from places like Waitrose or Marks and Spencer.
After an appropriate time, the main courses arrived. Mrs. CJ opted for the Bradan Rost (kiln-roasted salmon), char-grilled with a shellfish, mushroom and whisky sauce with a side order of Seasonal vegetables – cabbage, leeks and peas. I chose the Pan-fried Gressingham Duck with honey-roasted parsnips and red wine sauce and a side order of fries. Both meals were well presented and would be highly recommendeed. when visiting a highly respected chain of restauarants such as this one is concious of style and presentation, but taste is the key and this conbination of startere and min course did not disappoint.
My recommendation - A good, value for money experience. I like the corporate Loch Fyne look, the staff were very efficient and chatted with you at every opportunity without being intrusive.
Bonus - The electronic ordering service send orders direct to the kitchen. Staff management and meal control have been thoroughly reserached. Bravo.
My blog, my pictures

Gunwharf Quays - Portsmouth's answer to Bicester Village
Gunwharf Quays is a shopping centre situated near the historic dockyard and the new Spinnaker Tower which is a stunning landmark. By night it is illuminated and stand out like a beacon, visible from miles around. Back in 2003, we sailed past the partially completed tower on our way across the channel to Ouistreham on the MV Mont St Michel with the marina front development still under construction. This is an exciting addition to Portsmouth, which is an ideal weekend destination and gateway to Brittany and Normandy. Last week we spent an afternoon here wandering around the various shops. It is very much like Bicester Village, another favourite location for Mrs. CJ to spend her hard earned cash in maintaining her high profile. There are a number of our favourite shops here, Timberland (for me), Hobbs, Crew Clothing, White Stuff with other outlets featured. Download the pdf guide here.
Winchester - Alfie's City and Immense Gothic Masterpiece
The Cathedral is very impressive - I was fortunate to have arrived at about 4 pm and had the place to myself for about an hour. It is located in spacious grounds which is ideal for the photographer as it can be photographed from every angle. Apart from the West front (shown above) the exterior of the building is bland in comparison to other cathedrals but, Winchester's glory lies within.

The high alter rises majestically dominating the east end of the cathedral and is a truely magnificent sight.
Tessa Bonner, champion of Early Tudor music sung as it should be sung - Requiescat In Pace

She also worked with Roger Norrington, Phillip Picket, Andrew Parrot (Bach recording's) and Robert King. I was fortunate to work with her when David Gedge put on a performance of Monteverdi Vespers 1610 in Brecon Cathedral. She led a team of soloists and even though this was a gig in the sticks, she was quite clearly at home with the situation. Her vitality of tone and expression in the duets and trios were a joy to behold live. Later in her career I was fortunate to hear the Tallis Scholars perform in Llandaff singing Tallis, Byrd and Palestrina. They sang Dum complerentur as an encore, two a part, which was stunning. Her contribution towards the early music revival was very much understated and she will be sorely missed. It was fitting that so many heartfelt obituaries were printed in the London Press. Click on the links for those printed in the Guardian, The Times, the Daily Telegrph and the Independent. Also a message on the Tallis Scholar's director, Peter Phillips' Blog by my old friend Farther Paul Brophy MA.
Arundel House

We were greeted by the co-owner Billy Lewis-Bowker who made us feel at ease. The Menu seemed refreshing and the wine list would have been nice to explore had I not had the car keys in my pocket. I had a glass of the Cabernet/Syrah/Merlot, Fontaine, Domaine Portet which was very smooth and an excellent choice with the venison.
We were presented with a little appitizer to start, a cup of stilton and celeriac soup, a very promising start to the meal. The soup was thick, but a beautiful consistency, and full of flavour and a pleaseant suprise that set us up for the remainder of the menu.
We both chose the Mini Blinis with Homemade Gravadlax, Sour Cream and Lumpfish Roe as a starter. It was beautifully presented, lanced on wooden scewers, although they could have been a little more generous with the portion size.
As our main course, I chose the Seared Loin of Local Venison on Sweet Potato Mash with Wilted Spinach and a Red Wine Reduction and Gaynor chose the pan fied hallibut from the Special board.
Now I must declaire an interest here as vension is perhaps my favourite meat and when it's well cooked and presented can make you drool. This was by no means a let down. The mash was presented in a dome in the centre of the plate with the venison, sliced thinly and adorned slodier like around it's battlements, all topped out with the delicate wilted spinach as a crown on top of the mot. The red wine reduction was strong and gave perfect body to the dish. The meat was perfectly seared within millimetres of perfection without the inner meat lacking substance. A superb, hearty late winter meat course.
The chief, Luke Hackman, has certainly deserved his recognition in this year's Michelin Guide.
My assessment - a first class meal - £20 for two courses with a further £9.00 for drinks, excellent value for money. A must for a visit to the South Coast area. And why not try their rooms, if we are in the area again I would highly recommend a visit here and a look around the historic town.
This establishment ws mentioned in the Top 50 guide in this Guardian article.
Half term Road Trip 2009

Sunday, 15 February 2009
Welcome to David Cynan Jones Blog