Saturday, 28 February 2009

So we lost ..... nothing's changed

We're a strange race of people... one loss and depression has set in the land of song. The euphoria of the last eight Six Nations games have sent us fans from one end of the spectrum to the other in eighty munites. I am old enough to remember the "glory days" of the 70's and recall us winning games when we didn't deserve it, and thrashing teams by 30 points when they were poor and we weren't that good. With analysis and coaching theses days it is true to say that on any given Saturday (or Friday night) any team in the World Top 10 can beat each other. My friends the Garlic eaters are the best at this. They consistently upset the odds against the Southern Hemisphere sides in important games such as World Cups and the following game are useless. They could go on next week and stuff the English and them play badly against the Italians. Ce la vie. So.... let's remind us of Gatland's assessment that "Wales were about two years away from being a good team" This Kiwi doesn't play mind games and has developed a squad of players who have potential into winners. Many teams have gone to Paris and come second. They came out in the second half and did not give us the ball and their defence "did one" on us. So we must be realistic and not think that the world is at an end. We must bounce back and beat the Italians by a thumping margine and then go on to win the Triple Crown and possibly win the title on points difference. We can also hope that the English can help us out by stifling the Irish this afternoon.

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